Scarlet Macaw – All You Need to Know as a Pet Owner

A member of the Neotropical parrots the scarlet macaw is a big bird with red, blue and yellow plumage. Their natural habitat is the evergreen forests of South America. It is also the national bird of the Honduras. These magnificent birds are beautiful to look at and make wonderful pets and if you are a […]
A parrot harness that won’t break!

As we all like to take our pets out there and let them fly free as they should a parrot harness is a must have item in your pet loving home. As much as we love our birds, they do tend to fly far away before they are properly trained and a good harness for […]
A beautiful Scarlet Macaw video.
While running around the virtual world we came across these truly beautiful video of Scarlet Macaws. We thought that it would be a good idea to share this with you guys. We have written a in-depth article about Scarlet Macaw if you would like to know more about them you can head over to SPIECIES […]
Lear’s Macaw – four new hatchings!

It has taken many years to breed the first Lear’s Macaws in captivity. After 29 years of trying the first offspring of the hard work has been hatched. A year ago in São Paulo ZOO they successfully raised the very first chick. This year has been even better, they have managed to raise four more babies. […]
Spix Macaw spotted in the wild.

Now this comes as a surprise to most who have fallowed Spix’s history. The parrot that has been presumed extincted in the wild has been spotted once again in the wild. It’s been 15 years since anyone have reported a siting of this explicitly rare parrot the little blue from the Macaw family. Read our […]
Jungle in your bath tub?!

Yes, you read it right. This guy in Australia decided that it is a good idea to mix up a few creature while taking a bath. Including Blue and Gold Macaw a 3.5m python and last but not least a saltwater crocodile. A guy called Chris Humfrey have at his home all three as Pets. According […]
Meet Jake – Catalina macaw

This beauty of a parrot is in need of a new home. He’s been sitting and waiting for a long time to find a new human. You can find more information about this Catalina macaw at Humane Society of Charlotte He’s 20 years old likes to hang around with males and speaks in wonderful deep voice. Photo […]
Military Macaw Protected from Illegal hunting

People at Defenders of the Wildlife has been doing great work in Mexico protecting Military Macaws from poachers reach. They report that for last 3 years they have been fully successful in protecting 22 nests that they are also monitoring. They say, that as many as 14 of those nest have had new comers to […]
Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet Macaw Beautiful colorful parrot was discharged on 24 of May 2016 the Scarlet Macaws upgrading the excellence of a Mayan ruin at Copán Archeological site in Honduras. The macaws have been reintroduced in an undertaking bolstered by the World Parrot Trust and drove by Macaw Mountain Bird Park, the Honduran Institute of Anthropology and […]