blue and gold macawMacaws are playful birds who love to roll on their backs. They are quite talk-active birds, with some training, these birds will talk all day long. Macaws can be very enchanting; besides being beautiful they are attention-seekers. A common behavior that has been observed in the bird is that they present one side of their face slowly moving their heads to present the other side. If you mimic the same action, the parrot responds in a friendly way.

Read more  – 15 things to have as a pet parrot owner

Macaws love food and you can use this as a tool to train them. Treat your pet for doing something you want it to do and this might be useful for you in future. Like if you train your macaw to climb a stick it might come in handy when you want to service his cage. You can easily take it out of the cage and do the job without any hassles.
If you consider having one of these magnificent macaws you should be aware of a few things. Mentioned below are some features of the natural behavior of the macaw:


Macaws often attack people, especially strangers. By the reaction of the one attacked the macaw learns that it can control humans by threatened behaviors. According to the experts, this behavior of the macaws does not state its aggression instead they use it to test humans, and later become a game for them.


The term is nothing but returning “partly digested food from the stomach to mouth”.  Regurgitation is mostly observed in sexually mature parrots. They do it for their mates, human or feathered. Your bird should be discouraged from doing so, do not punish your pet.

Sometimes, regurgitation could signal a medical condition, the food that your bird is having could be infested with yeast. Observe your parrot before taking any action.  


Excessive Chewing:

Anything at your home is a “toy” for the macaw. They are vigorous chewers and will want to chew on anything they find. They like to explore everything even valuables, chew them and sometimes destroy them. You have to make your bird disciplined; there have been instances when these birds have chewed electrical wires, causing house fires. Give them fresh branches, wooden toys, etc. for chewing and gnawing.


300px Macaw Screaming FaceThe bigger your parrot is the more potential it has to scream loud. If you are sensitive to noise, you shouldn’t think about having “macaws” for pets. These birds are naturally noisy, your screaming and shouting to calm them down will go in vain. Once your parrot realizes that it can grab your attention by screaming, it will make it a habit. You should not try to eliminate the natural call of a macaw; instead train it and discourage screaming or screeching.


Once the macaws are out of their baby stage it will not take them time to discover their beaks. They can be naughty while using them. It is very important for you to understand your parrot’s behavior and guide them before it shows undesirable behavior.

Macaws are beautiful birds that you can have for a pet. Learn their behaviors and guide them to be your best friends.

Read more:

Anatomy of macaw species
The development of macaw species
Senses in macaw species
The natural habitat of macaws

Macaw parrot